Friday, December 24, 2010

Herbs and Crafts Christmas Edition

For presents this year I first settled on making some herbal salts for everyone. I was in a craft store one day and saw some empty clear glass ornaments and I bought them. (Along with some fabric to make bags to hold them.)

Rosemary Salt in a glass ornament.

Rosemary is a traditional Christmas herb, we also gave sage salt. My husband made each recipient a cedar smudge stick to burn, and my Mother trimmed washcloths. I made each bag that everything fit nicely in and all in all I was very happy with the outcome of it all!

Sage salt, cedar stick, trimmed washcloth, and bag

We then had the children help us glue paper leaves and paper berries together for tags which we pinned to the bags with safety pins.

Finished product.
I hope everyone had/is having a great holiday and Have a Happy New Year!!

First Aid Kit

So I have been looking at first aid kits for a while. Trying to find the right one. One I can add my own stuff to but has what I would want it to have when I buy it. After looking and looking AND LOOKING, I decided to make it myself.

I decided to make two organizers and a bag for my mortar and pestle.

The organizers required a bit more thought then the mortar and pestle bag did. I wanted a place for some tincture bottles, some essential oils, a bottle of homeopathic arnica, a tea strainer, some teas, ginger chews, all that sort of thing. I also needed places for your typical first-aid supplies, bandages, band-aids, tape, scissors, and such.

The first organizer closed up.

From left to right: Top: Tinctures, band-aids, medical tape, pocket knife
Bottom: Essential Oils, Arnica tablets, gauze, salve

Left to right: Top: tea strainer, folding scissors, tweezers
2nd Row: ACE bandage, nail clippers
3rd Row: thermometer, sling
Bottom Pocket: cotton swabs, cotton balls, teas, ginger pieces, matches,
extra material, etc.

I am really happy with the way they came out. I bought an army messenger bag from Amazon. In the beginning I was planning on making pockets in the bag itself, but this worked out much nicer I think.